
I'm going to talk a bit about the basic tools you'll need to restore your car, remember I did say basic tools, depending on what kind of restoration you want to do on your car this small list of tools can change quite a bit, and it will, OK to start with let's talk about a tool that I think pretty much everybody has used a least once in their life, and that is a wrench, you will need a set of wrenches, at least all the common American sizes from a 1/4" - 21/4" just to be safe, this is what I would say is the most tool you'll own.

As we move on down the list the next in line is a set of good screw drivers, and by good I mean name brand, not the Taiwan crap that the handle breaks the first time you twist it, you will be using these a lot, and not always like they were intended to be used, sometimes to break a screw loose you'll have to smack the top of your screw driver with a hammer, this is where the quality name brand screw drivers come in to play.

The next tool that I will talk about here is also a must, you will need a quality ratchet :%$amp; socket set with a :%$frac14;" drive, a 3/8" drive, and a 1/2" drive ratchet, being as how you will be using these constantly, I suggest that you afford the quality tools here also, along with the ratchets that I mentioned here you'll also need sockets to go with them, you'll need a full set for each ratchet, and these can be costly, so plan on spending a little cash here.

Now let's talk about the specialty tools for the job, the main specialty tools that you'll need is a set of body hammers and dolly's, this is pretty evident if your going to straighten out the body work you'll need hammers and dolly's to beat the dents back in to place, metal does have a memory an it will want to go back to it's original shape, and that will work in your favor, I suggest that you pay the extra for these and buy a name brand also.

Now to pull the dents that you can't get to with a hammer :%$amp; dolly, you'll need a dent puller, and there are two totally different options here, again this will depend on how much cash you want to spend on these items the first option in the cheapest and that is a standard slide hammer, if you use one of these it will make more work for you to do in the long run because you'll have to drill holes in the dented area and screw the slid hammer in to the holes to pull the dent, and the you'll need to weld the holes shut again and grind it off before you can lay the mud to it, option two is called a stinger, this toll will weld a nail to the dented area and the you'll attach the slide hammer to those nails and pull the dent, this will eliminate drilling holes in the panel, but it does cost a lot more money.

Now the fun stuff, you'll need hand sanding boards ranging in size from 6" - 18 " in length for the standard wooden sanding boards, and you'll also need rubber sanding blocks in different shapes, so you can effectively sand rounded areas, square areas, and other odd shaped areas, you'll find this to be very handy as you go through the processes of restoring your car.

  • Hand Wrenches Sizes :%$frac14;" - 21/4"

  • Screw Drivers Full Set of quality screw drivers

  • Ratchet :%$amp; Socket Set Full set of ratchets :%$amp; sockets

  • Hammers :%$amp; Dolly's Full set of quality hammers :%$amp; dolly's
  • Dent pullers Slide hammer or stinger

  • Sanding blocks and boards Sanding blocks and boards in various sizes

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